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Next Generation of Vedic Astrology
Sponsored by Sam Geppi and the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science
Next Generation of Vedic Astrology
Sponsored by Sam Geppi and the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science

NEW BONUS - Free ticket to the "Tantric Meditation" Weekend 

In the Next Generation of Vedic Astrology Conference You Will Learn: 
  • How to bust through the confusing interpretations of others and know yourself in greater clarity. Knowing This brings relief , so you can relax and stop worrying about whether or not you're wasting your life.

  • What chart factors show how you lose yourself in your work, in duties to others, like children. You can spend decades living someone else's life, and many do.

  • How to feel good in relationships and with the agreements you make . Not just romantic agreements, but with all adults. This brings greater self confidence , prosperity and benefit in your job.

  • The difference between conditional and unconditional love. This is one of the most important distinctions you will ever make in your life , and affects all relationships with others.

  • How to make friends with your “inner man” and “inner woman”. This is important for both sexes.

  • How to live in alignment with the cosmic cycles , as planets move through the Sky. Whether You know it or not, they are determining everything, including your path to higher wisdom.  

  • How to be aligned every day, every month, every year, etc. we're going to examine these shifts from every angle possible. You can never manage life’s pressures and opportunities until you understand these cycles.   

  • How to develop your psychic gifts and tap into the world beyond the senses and the mind/body matrix. Knowing this allows you to transcend the heaviness and density of life on earth.

  • How to manage your obsessions and those things that constantly eclipse your mind and heart. Although there's a lot of confusion there, there's also enormous redemption and wisdom.

  • A lot more!   

When: March 19-21
Where: Your Home
What Time: 10AM-4PM Pacific each day

Regular Price - $179.00
Social Distancing Discount

ONLY $79.00
Next Generation of Vedic Astrology Conference Schedule

Day 1 - Friday, March 19
10AM Pacific - Walking Your True Path: Through the Lagna & Lagna Lord
w/ Alexis Cox

  • Unique Identity
  • How you find that unique nature
  • What can take you away from it
  • A lot more!

1:30 PM Pacific - Relationships: The least integrated aspect of Self
w/ Malini Iyer

  • Conditional and unconditional love
  • How to fight fairly and compromise
  • Managing Confidence and assertion in partnerships
  • A lot more!

Day 2 - Saturday, March 20 
10AM Pacific - New Moon’s Resolutions and the Divine Personal Cycle.
w/ Casey Scott

  • The 12 lunation cycles each year
  • Your personal yearly almanac
  • Life lessons through the 12 houses
  • A lot more!

1:30 PM Pacific - Divine Timing and Transits
w/ Elise DeVilliers

  • The shared karma as seen through the sky.
  • Saturn transits and managing stress and pressure
  • Nodal Axis transit and managing obsessions / withdrawals
  • A lot more!   

Day 3 - Sunday, March 21
10AM Pacific - Beyond the Matrix: Your Psychic Gifts, Unique Genius & Confusion through the Nodes - w/ Alix Claman

  • Your hidden psychic gifts and how they get confused
  • Managing those obsessions
  • A hidden side of the planets that the Nodes bring forth.
  • A lot more!

1:30 PM Pacific - Sam leads a PANEL DISCUSSION on Healing and Remedies based on numerous modalities and astrological situations. w/ Entire Faculty

  • Sam will lead this and first discuss both traditional Vedic remedies and his experience from multiple Indian schools and Gurus. 
  • Walking meditations, with mantras
  • Using music, bells and gongs
  • Penetrating sleep (which leads to lucid dreaming)
  • How to trick your ego, mind and senses
  • Tratak, gazing, staring, mirror gazing
Next Generation of Vedic Astrology Faculty

Alix Claman

Beyond the Matrix: Your Psychic Gifts, Unique Genius & Confusion through the Nodes

Everyone (including you) has "psychic ability". In this class, you are going to explore the role of Rahu and Ketu as playing the main role in developing these abilities.

The conjunction of the Nodes with the planets (as karakas/indicators) both accelerate and confuse the natural function of that planet's energy. The house and Sign placements of the Nodes are also key factors to seeing how your gifts emerge.

The nodes are invisible, shadow planets, and they represent the Maya, the world of illusion. You must understand their influence in order to see beyond the matrix and into the subconscious and how that hidden realm projects onto your lived experience, through psychic ability, genius or confusion. 

Alix's Bio: 
Alix works with the intention to bring you closer into alignment with your purest potential and innate gifts, while also shining light on the shadows and karmic patterns that can keep you stuck, or block your path to personal awakening.

With this ancient wisdom, Alix brings you into deeper awareness with yourself, and brings this planetary perspective into your life as a way to see things from the Greater perspective. She believes we cannot avoid our Karma, but we can be present with what is, and through this presence we can shift our awareness, find peace in the here and now, and take the power of choice back by understanding and accepting what is happening and how to work with it.

Alix is a level III, M.A, graduate from the American Academy of Vedic Art & Science, founded by Sam Geppi. She also holds a B.A in English from CCSU in New Britain, CT, and currently serves as the Director of Operations within her community of A New Earth Movement (501c3 Non-Profit), where she assists in Shamanic Earth based ways of healing and studies the Ancient Toltec Awareness teachings. Website:

Walking Your True Path: Through the Lagna & Lagna Lord

In this class you will uncover the most foundational information there is: how can you understand your unique identity  and what you are doing with that identity here on Earth. To understand this, first you look at the Lagna, or Ascendant.

Your Ascendant not only indicates what qualities make you who you are, it also sets up which houses the others signs will occupy from your ascendant. The house and sign position of your Lagna lord, and what affects it, is a key to your path and shows what actions you take on that path.

While many factors enhance, distract and direct the flow of your actions and inaction, once you know these first principles of identity, it becomes easy to see what you are actually trying to do at the heart of it all. With this powerful knowledge you can walk your own true path, and as an astrologer help others to live in alignment with their highest purpose as well.

Alexis Cox

Alexis' Bio:
Alexis Cox (Radha Home Yoga & Astrology) is a Yoga Teacher, Vedic Astrologer and Mythologist. She has been using the three Vedic sister-sciences of Yoga, Ayurveda and Jyotish together since she discovered how they work in unison. Having practiced yoga for a decade before she first went to India and found the sister  systems, she was amazed at what a profound effect the simple art of balancing out her natural tendencies and harmonizing with the transits of the Moon and planets could have on her own life and practice. Harnessing her own special ability to share this ancient wisdom in a way that is both down-to-earth and accessible to modern students, she weaves these practices together in her classes, counseling and her own life. She began studying Jyotish with Sadasiva (Sam Geppi) through the American Academy of Vedic Arts and Sciences in 2013 and successively completed his Levels I-III courses, while also assisting with the courses. She has been offering readings and regular forecasts ever since. For her, the most powerful gift she can share with others is the wisdom to be able to help oneself. For more info visit,

Elise DeVilliers 

Divine Timing and Transits

In this class, we will clear the muddy waters around dasas and transits that may seem confusing to you. Which one do I look at/when?  And, how do they differ?  Both of these timing tools bring depth and clarity to chart analysis, but their nuances must be understood.

Dasas are a unique timing tool that you apply in Vedic Astrology. The dasas are personal to you. They connect you to your soul’s journey and karmas. The transits, however, are both a personal and a shared experience. The movements of the planets in the living sky connect you to your immediate environment and show events occurring here on earth through the sign (collective) and house (personal).

Observing the transits will help you to develop more understanding of your own experience while recognizing we are all in this together. I will show you how to integrate dasas and transits, so you can predict and prepare for what is coming next!

Elise's Bio:
Elise is a Vedic Astrologer living in Vancouver, Canada.  She turned to astrology to deepen her understanding of relationships after many years of working interpersonally as a homeopath and a director for a natural health company.  Astrology helped to clarify the dynamics with loved ones and colleagues, which made her a better coach, healer and friend.  As a result, Elise shares practical, subtle ways to incorporate astrology practices within all areas of life as a tool for more compassion and success. 

During her readings, Elise is personable, relatable, and easy to understand so that the information transmitted aligns the client with their truest self and dharmic path.  She encourages people to see beyond their material life and into the deeper meaning behind the obstacles they face, while re-orienting them towards their soul's purpose. 

Elise studied western astrology before becoming a Level 3 graduate at the American Academy of Vedic Arts & Science where she continues her studies with Sam Geppi. She just wishes she had switched to Jyotish sooner!

Elise is currently teaching a course in how to work with the sacred lunar cycles and the power of manifestation through conscious connection to the sun and moon.  Visit

Casey Scott

New Moon’s Resolutions and the Divine Personal Cycle.

In this class you'll learn the creative process of the Sun & Moon through the 12 distinct cycles that you experience each year. When measured from your natal ascendant it becomes especially potent.

Each New Moon (when the Sun and Moon join) you start a new " Celestial month". This divine, cosmic timing aligns your soul with a specific new purpose each month. It is like a "Divine Calendar".

I first became aware of these cycles when I was in Sam Geppi's Certification course and got access to the "Training Lab" where he describes these monthly, Cosmic cycles. 

In my astrology practice, I see over and over again how people benefit from understanding these cosmic cycles. To me, this is no longer just about education, it’s a spiritual practice, and I believe that’s the true purpose of Vedic Astrology.

Casey's Bio:
Casey Scott is a certified practitioner of Vedic Astrology through the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science, founded by Sam Sadasiva Geppi.  Casey is a self-employed owner of 2 businesses, happily married and raising 2 beautiful children in Eagle, Idaho.  After 4 years of intense study with Sam Sadasiva Geppi, Casey was inspired to provide simple resources that demonstrate the basic principles of Vedic Astrology and how it applies to our everyday life.  Casey’s 20+ years of experience in the field of drafting & structural engineering made him uniquely qualified to create a beginners blueprint for this spiritual science.  Casey’s ambition is to provide clients & students with a strong foundation to build upon by focusing on the fundamentals and connecting the technical details with universal concepts.  With many of the other ancient Yogic practices already embraced in the west, Casey feels that it’s his dharma to help share this ancient wisdom with the modern world. Website: 

Relationships: The least integrated aspect of Self

You are a social animal. You live in families, communities and circles where you are bound to engage with others. You cannot escape relating to others. That’s where most of your buttons get pushed and your karmas get worked out. Your pattern of relating gets most exaggerated in an intimate love relationship.

I will walk you through the fundamentals of relationship astrology that you can apply to all your relationships, regardless of whether you practice astrology for a living; or not. You will learn (1) the role of the 7th house and 7th lord for each ascendant, (2) masculine-feminine energy dynamics of planets, (3) Venus versus Moon in love, (4) Mars versus Jupiter in love, (5) Sun versus Saturn in love, and (6) how your planets trigger your partners’ via synastry. At the end of the class, you’ll be able to identify how you show up in relationships and most likely approach relationships with more awareness. I apply these principles actively in my dating life – you can too!

Dr. Malini Iyer

Malini Iyer - PhD's Bio
Malini is a research scientist in the medical field who is actively immersed in Vedic Astrology and the Vedic Sciences for over a decade. She was disillusioned with the application of Vedic astrology growing up in India. While pursuing her PhD in USA, she met Sam Geppi and immediately took on the practice of Vedic Astrology as she finally learnt the authentic way of applying astrology. It forms the foundation of her spiritual life. Malini has done immense work in aligning people to their spiritual self and helping them navigate relationships, career and health in their personal lives. She is also trained in yoga and meditation, and integrates all the Vedic sciences in her astrology practice. Malini is also a professionally trained Bharata Natyam dancer and has performed in several productions. Rich with classical Indian storytelling, she brings a tinge of Indian mythology and tradition to her practice in order to empower individuals and couples. Malini actively maintains a blog as well as creates videos and articles for social media as a service to the community. She offers Vedic Astrology readings that can be found at the website: 


Sam Geppi

Advanced Ninja Remedies from Sam / Panel Discussion

I have never taught these things and rarely ever discussed these things. But in this class I will give an overview  of how to approach spiritual healing and methods that you probably have never heard of. These are practices I have used for years and can really put you on the fast track to transformation. I doubt you have heard many of these and if you have, you have not heard how and why they work.

Some of these things include:

  • Walking meditations, with mantras
  • Using music, bells and gongs
  • Penetrating sleep (which leads to lucid dreaming)
  • How to trick your ego, mind and senses
  • Tratak, gazing, staring, mirror gazing

I will also discuss more traditional approaches to remedies based on the elements and gunas and how to approach, select and use mantras.

When: March 19-21
Where: Your Home
What Time: 10AM-4PM Pacific each day

Regular Price - $179.00
Social Distancing Discount

ONLY $79.00
Bonus Classes - Available Immediately!

Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology Weekend Course (Never Offered Before)
12 Hours - $300.00 Value

In this weekend course I explained the connections between the medical system of India, Ayurveda, and the divine timing of Vedic astrology.

You will learn how planetary cycles affect health and healing.

You will also learn how the cosmic energy filters down through the most subtle to the most gross, through the three gunas and the five elements and the relationship between the sun, moon an earth.

This elegant design is not only mysterious and beautiful, but it is knowable and understandable.


  • How body, mind and spirit evolve beyond just principles into the daily life you live as your Karma.
  • the effect of time and evolution on all of the divine forces in life.
  • How each of the planets govern and maintain this creation, as you and as your divine energies.
  • How the sun helps to develop your confidence, but also digest your food and shows the fire in your belly.
  • How the moon relates to your emotional development, but also healing and caretaking.
  • How Jupiter shows expansiveness and teachings, but also shows weight gain .
  • How Saturn shows hardship and trials in life, but also gives the capacity to endure them and emerge stronger and with a heightened capacity to concentrate.
  • How the Zodiac shows the limbs of the “cosmic man”, and how your karma filters down through these cosmic energies into this cosmic plan.
  • How the astrology houses show your unfolding carmas, through the body here on earth.
  • How to assess planets as they move through the Sky, and their effect on health and healing and life changes.
  • A lot more.

Living Sky - Advanced Transits Course -
12 Hours - $240.00 Value

How do we know when to look at the dasha and went to look at the planetary transits in order to make predictions? The truth is, you have to know how to look at both, and when to do so.

The classical Indian literature is thin on how to do precise transit work. But in this weekend class I will have many case studies showing how karma's get activated based on the transit, as well as how to prioritize transits in your life and your clients life all of the time.

You will learn how to separate just a "general focus" from a major transit that brings a new event or karmic cycle into someone's life. I will also describe “Special Aspects by Transit” and “Raja Yogas by Transit”. I have been watching these daily transits for 12 years, and publishing daily transit reports as well.


  1. The 3 areas where you can always find "good news" in your life and when you're giving in astrology reading.
  2. The big secret to explaining “Sade Sati”, and how you can alleviate your clients fear but still keep them on track and growing.
  3. Dealing with the momentary "obsessions" in your life and how to know when they can become dangerous or pathological.
  4. Important transits that can make or break your relationships.
  5. How to know when to follow your inspirations at work and for how long – and when to slow down and consolidate.
  6. The most important transits for spiritual transformation, but it's not what you think.
  7. How transits affect our physical health and when it can be serious.
  8. Many case studies that bring it all to life. 

"Sure, you already look at transits, but you're just looking on the surface. I guarantee you're overlooking a lot."

"One way aspects, Raja yogas, transits to dasha planets, aspects to karakas and house rulers. All of these must also be considered. I will teach you how that works! " 

  •  Saturn transits are bad and show a lot of problems right?, Wrong!
  • Raja Yogas by transit can show incredible success, especially when other timing factors are at play. No one ever talks about this, but now you will know the secret! Will
  • “Aspect stacking” is really important and you must check for it. But first you must know what it is.
  • When Mars comes calling by transit, you will have to deal with it. But what will you do, what type of advice you give with the Mars transit?
  • The single most important thing to tell a person dealing with a difficult Saturn transit. HINT, it is both the last thing they want to do and the only thing they must do.
  • The real "holy grail" of analyzing transits based on the functional nature of each planet.
  • How to streamline and simplify your readings and the process of transit analysis, so you can bust through the mental clutter and confusion and pass on the clarity to your clients (or yourself).
  • Far superior than looking into 5 levels of the Dasas. 2 Levels of Dasha and in-depth correct transit analysis is all I use and it is PLENTY! 

Quantum Vedic Astrology Lecture
3 Hours - $60.00 Value



Quantum astrology is a way to make a quantum leap, not only in our understanding of how astrology works, but in how it can heal the human spirit.

In this course you will not only see how Astrology creates the human mind and brain, through our karma, but how this is exactly described by modern neuroscience and quantum physics..

and most importantly – what you can do to re-create your life,…

or do you want to continue through your life like a reactive animal? — with your energy hung up on inner conflicts?

Does this sound familiar:
Instead of using your attention and capacity to imagine a better future, then using your unlimited power to create that future, you imagine a bleak world – where you are powerless to change – full of ,…

phantom fears – lorded over by primal specters of the past. Your imagination is the greatest gift you have and you are likely wasting it … using your mind to stay exactly where you are, rather than

… becoming all you are meant to be – Does that sound familiar?

Modern neuroscience tells us why this happens – the inner war between the 3 brains – the RAS confirming the habitual world it is looking for. But Vedic astrology has been saying this same thing for centuries, in its own way.

Vedic astrology / our karma exists behind neuroscience (the brain and its habits) and Quantum physics (how the brain compels energy / spirit to take form).

When: March 19-21
Where: Your Home
What Time: 10AM-4PM Pacific each day

Regular Price - $179.00
Social Distancing Discount

ONLY $79.00